“Life is all about creating memories”
I’m a freelance photographer and tour leader based in the Belgian city of Geraardsbergen. My life consists out of capturing memories and when I’m not capturing those of my clients, I’m capturing my own.
When I was 4 years old, my parents took me to the Alps for the first time. Pretty soon, I started exploring more places in Europe and travelling became my ultimate passion. As a kid it was my dream to become a geologist, only to later realize (after studying geology for one year) that the only reason for this dream was the possibility to work abroad. Exploring the world became my main goal in life.
Ever since I was a kid I had a small camera with me while traveling and I photographed every single object or landscape I saw. This “obsession” became worse every trip. Slowly I entered the world of photography, teaching it to myself and exploring the endless possibilities. Some years later my self-confidence was strong enough to contact some brands to collaborate with while traveling. Thanks to this step I was able to work with Kia Belux and MINI Belux. After having seen much of touristy Europe, my travel style became more extreme, travelling to places like Chernobyl and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
After studying Geology in Uni, I realized that two of my main interests, travelling and photography, could fall into one piece. That’s when I started studying Journalism. Two months later I was already attending violent protests in Brussels as a photographer. I discovered that the story behind a picture can be more important than the picture itself.
My trip to Iran in January 2020, during the Soleimani crisis, was the missing piece in my life-goal-puzzle. The travel advice was red and everyone was advising us (two friends and I) not to go. We decided to ignore all of that and set our goal to show the positive side of the country. And so we did, with great success. We received a lot of positive messages from locals in Iran, as well as Belgian friends. We even made it into a Belgian newspaper.
Travelling to misunderstood parts of our planet as a storyteller became my mission as a future photojournalist.
Now, a few years later, I have met amazing people and saw wonderful places in countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon and much more… an yet I’ve only seen 1% of what I want to see in my life. Besides that, I’ve already set a second lifegoal: taking others to these magnificent destinations. Thanks to my new job as a tour leader for Lupine Travel, I can now guide other travelers to these wonderful parts of the world.
Yngwie Scheerlinck
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